Thursday, October 11, 2007

3º ano...

Tem sido... devastador. E ainda dizem que a vida de estudante é fácil... é porque nunca tiraram um curso de fisioterapia!!! Passar 9/10 horas na escola, a carregar o computador portátil e a capa de um lado para o outro e ainda trazer trabaho para casa, pilhas de artigos para ler,trabalhos para apresentar (and so on)! Às vezes tenho a impressão que estou no "Survival" ou uma cena assim. O que vale é que vai havendo umas coisitas giras no meio de tanto trabalho. O professor de Reabilitação cardíaca que é muito mais interessante do que qualquer matéria que ele esteja a ensinar, as risotas durante os trabalhos de grupo =)
E o ERASMUS... nossa que confusão!! Nunca ninguém sabe de nada, ninguém nos diz nada. Ou desemerdas-te ou tás lixada... Aprendes grego, fazes uns connectings, mandas 20 mails para o Departamento de Relações Internacionais e pode ser que te safes. Só espero que valha a pena!
Ainda nem sequer saiu o mapa de estágios e já falta pouquíssimo tempo! Só espero não ir parar ao cu de Judas. Nem ao MAPADI. Nem ao centro de paralisia cerebral... Antes quero ir para o Hospital Santo António ou para o Maria Pia. Ou para o Militar. Deus queira...

"We live our lives in the college: 5 days a week, 10 hours a day.We're together more than we are apart. After a while the ways of the course become the ways of life. Number one: always keep score; number two: do whatever you can to outsmart the other guy; number three: don't make friends with the enemy.
There's another way to survive this competition. A way no one seems to tell you about. The one you have to learn for yourself. Number four: is not about the race at all. There are no winners or loosers. Victories are counted by the number of lifes changed for better. And once in a while, if you're smart, the life you changed could be your own."
(Grey's Anatomy - adapted)
"Mrs. Snyder explained to me that when fate comes into play, choice sometimes goes out the window. Maybe Romeo and Juliet were fated to be together, but just for a while, and then their time passed. If they could have known that beforehand, maybe it all would have been okay. I told Mrs. Snyder that when I was grown up, I'd take fate into my own hands. I wouldn't let some guy drag me down. Mrs. Snyder said that I'd be lucky if I ever had that kind of passion with someone, and if I did, we'd be together forever. Even now, I believe that for the most part, love is about choices. It's about putting down the poison and the dagger and making your own happy ending... most of the time. And sometimes, despite all your best intentions, fate wins anyway."

I don't know from which text this belongs but I like it =)

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

I was listening to a favourite piece of classical music the other day, and thinking that every time I heard it, I always discovered something new. Perhaps the love of our life should be like that - familiar, yet always able to surprise...

by my marvellous english teacher, Mark! Lovely! =D